Additional Services
& Permits
1. Team Resource for HAZ-COM:
Notify residents of any occurrence, provide for temporary ingress/egress, provide for temporary living expenses, settlement of damages, etc.
2. Gas Tap Issues:
Identify surface ownership, assist in determining legal rights, notify user of any concern or potential violation, resolve conflicts, etc.
3. Encroachment Issues:
Assist with the monitoring of pipelines in critical areas (i.e. within city limits), notify encroacher of potential violation, resolve disputes/conflicts, etc.
4. Supervision of Construction Activities:
Supervise construction of well pads, roadways, drilling pits, site locations, etc.
5. Phase I Site Assessment:
Investigate sites to determine potential impact of prior operations, inspect any surface equipment or improvements, and identify any potential operating concerns.
6. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan:
Assist in the preparation of the federal required SWP3 regarding construction activities which have impact on the surface.
7. Noxious Weed Assessment & Control Practices:
Investigate noxious weed claims, identify possible source, establish and/or recommend eradication procedure, resolve landowner concern, etc.
8. SWD Agreements:
Renewal, negotiation, and execution processes plus any applicable surface ownership approvals.
9. Misc.:
Coordination of road spreading and land farming of industry related residue and drill cuttings, surface notification of intent to P&A Wells, management of local filing system for surface documents, coordination of courthouse recordings, notary services, purchasing construction materials, etc.
10. Permits & Agreements:
Fresh Water Usage, Road Bores/Crossings, Driveway, Encroachments, APD Processing, Seismic, Purpose & Intent, Regulatory, Salt Water Disposal, Surface Lease, SWD, and Extension of Time.